Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How China Has Improved International Presence - 2056 Words
China was the most civilized country having outpaced other world regions for several centuries. The country faced a major backlash in the nineteenth and twentieth countries whereby it experienced civil wars, foreign occupations, dreaded famines, and military attacks that left the security of the country prone to attacks. Chinese government supported communism after World War II consequently adopting an autocratic leadership style to cater for the welfare of Chinese citizens. However, the successors of Mao Zedong adopted a market-oriented economic system which sky-rocketed the economic growth of China since 1978. Currently, China has the second largest economy after the USA and boasts of its fastest economic growth rate in the world. Eventually, the living standard of the large portion of the Chinese population has dramatically increased. Moreover, Chinese have been given the freedom to make personal decisions, but the political measures are still tight (The World Factbook, 2016). Chi na has enhanced its international presence by ensuring that it participated in the international organizations and enhanced the global outreach. China has applied authoritative leadership style for centuries whereby the subjects are given little autonomy make decisions. Chinese leaders make decisions without the involvement of subjects. The leaders motivate their citizens by making visions that inspire Chinese citizens to conduct their duties with determination and diligence. Mao ZedongShow MoreRelatedDjibouti: How Culture in the Horn of Africa is Influencing Global Interests1226 Words  | 5 PagesSociologists define culture as â€Å"the ways of thinking, the ways of acting, and the material objects that together form a people’s way of life†(Macionis 40); but when and how are cultures developed? 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Civil Money Penalty For Hipaa Privacy Rule Violations Essay
Case: Civil Money Penalty HHS Imposes a $4.3 Million Civil Money Penalty for HIPAA Privacy Rule Violations Summary of the case (introduction) Upon hearing the case on several violated privacy rules of HIPAA Act of 1996 by Cignet Health of Prince George’s County, MD (Cignet), the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) found the accused guilty of breach of privacy. A civil money penalty (CMP) of $4.3 million was imposed on the company due to the violations identified by the Office of Civil Rights. This civil money penalty was the first one to be issued on any entity by the Department for violations of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. The amount of penalty imposed was determined by violation category and may increase if authorized by the HITECH Act section 13410(d). Cignet did not request a hearing when notified on the civil money penalty and therefore, its right to appeal against the imposed penalty is no longer viable. Health information portability and accountability act works to protect health provider’s clients from extortion or lack of privacy concerning their health. It is made up of five different major components and covers three entities which are health plans, health care clearinghouses and health care providers. Cignet violated several of the HIPAA Act of 1996 rules which are: 1. Failure to Provide Access (45 C.F.R.  § 164.524). Cignet failed to provide the 41 individuals listed in attachment A the copies of their protected medical records maintained by cignet. When Cignet wasShow MoreRelatedHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule Violations 1239 Words  | 5 Pagesfriend tells him to contact his medical malpractice insurance carrier. Has there been a HIPAA violation? Is Dr. Williams subject to criminal prosecution and what penalties could he face? Understanding HIPAA regulations, federal and state laws and violations, then applying them to Dr. Williams’ case provides the answers. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Enactment of HIPAA guaranteed health insurance coverage portability and directing the Department of Health andRead MoreHipaa Violations Within The United States1166 Words  | 5 PagesDuring this research, there has been a collection of data that had been connected to the instances of HIPAA violations within the United States. There are various cases that have been reported through patients and employees where very personal medical information has been exposed unlawfully for personal gain. These cases have not only put a company at reputational risk. But these cases can also place a patient and or healthcare company in a terrible financial stipulation. This thesis will includeRead MoreHIPPA Violations Essay1174 Words  | 5 Pagesthat can be prevented. When confidential patient information is disclosed without consent it is a violation of the HIPAA Title II Security Rule. This rule was enacted in response to private information being leaked to the news and emails containing privileged information were read by unauthorized people. Identity theft is a real concern so patient privacy should be taken seriously. This is a rule can easily be broken without the offender feeling any malice towards the victim for example gossip andRead MoreHipaa Article Review And Evaluation1331 Words  | 6 Pages HIPAA Article Review and Evaluation Ashlie McWee HCM 515: Health Law and Ethics Colorado State University-Global Campus Dr. Trellany Thomas-Evans February 28, 2016 HIPAA Article Review and Evaluation Healthcare technology has grown and evolved over time. With the conversion to electronic medical records and the creation of social media just to name a few, ensuring patient privacy is of the utmost importance for healthcare facilities in this day and age. In order for an organizationRead MoreThe Protection Of Personalized Data1963 Words  | 8 Pagesfederal laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act as well as the passage of a variety of state legislation related to privacy breaches has changed the way in which firms deal with these issues, (Gatzlaff McCullough, 2012). During this research, there was a collection of data that connected to the instances of HIPAA violations within the United States. There are various cases that have been reported through patients and employees where very personal medical informationRead MoreAdministrative Ethics - Paper1008 Words  | 5 PagesProtecting the privacy of patient’s health information is a main conc ern among health care providers today. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 known as HIPAA was approved by law to safeguard not only patients but also health care workers. However, sometimes people tend to violate these laws unintentionally or sometimes intentionally. According to an article from the Department of Health and Human Service website (2011), HHS imposes a $4.3 million civil money penalty for violatingRead MoreHipa A Critical Issue1800 Words  | 8 PagesHIPAA – A Critical Issue Most people have a basic understanding about HIPAA and what it entails, but for future healthcare leaders, it is a critical issue. The goals behind the HIPAA privacy rules are very beneficial for keeping individual’s health information private, but it does place a heavy burden on organizations to ensure the information remains protected. Healthcare leaders have always had to adapt to change, but it is becoming increasingly necessary to have leaders that can adapt quickerRead MoreLaw And Ethics Of Medicine1860 Words  | 8 PagesNancy J Long 823 S. George St, Front York, PA 17403 ID# 22421209 Law and Ethics in Medicine HIT 105 Research project number: 40936500 1) Does HIPAA affect a patient’s right to access his/her medical records or determine who can see the information? If so, describe the patient’s right. What can a patient do if he/she believes the rights are being denied? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services many consumers want to engage in a more active role with regards to their healthRead MorePatient Rights And The Hipaa Privacy Rule1978 Words  | 8 PagesNancy J. Long 823 S. George St, Front York, PA 17403 ID# 22421209 Law and Ethics for Medical Careers HIT 105 Research project number: 40936500 Patient Rights and the HIPAA Privacy Rule According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services many consumers want to engage in a more active role concerning their health care, therefore, it is important to know what rights you have in obtaining and protecting (called the right to access) your personal health information (Department of SecretaryRead MoreThe Impact Of Information Technology On Our Nation s Security3210 Words  | 13 PagesAccountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The purpose of this paper is show how important security of information technology in today’s world by first taking a look at each individual law, what aspects they cover, and various aspects of maintaining compliance. The next section will discuss the two cases, which willfurther show the effects and the penalties that may be implemented
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Martin Luther King Analysis Essay Example For Students
Martin Luther King Analysis Essay A Discussion and Analysis Of some of his Contributions As Well as their Social,Political and Economic Impacts. Since the Thirteen Colonies first united, the United States has had one ofthe strongest economies in the world. Over the years, many theorists have hadvarying opinions concerning the reason for this nations strong economicstanding. One reason that has often been overlooked is that a great many of thisnations workers have been influenced by the Protestant work ethic. Thephilosophy behind this work ethic has driven many workers to attain as much aspossible at their jobs during their lifetimes. If one man were to be givencredit for the development of the Protestant work ethic it would have to beMartin Luther. In the course of the next several pages this researcher willexamine the ethic that has had such a great impact on the United States economyand on the economies of other nations. It has been suggested by such writers asWeber and Smith that the Protestant work ethic first developed around the wordcalling. Basically, this term has a religious connotation which is atask set by God. How ever, gradually this term was expanded to the point where itcovered many of mans activities. During the Protestant Reformation, the termcalling started to take on a new meaning. Fulfilling ones duty inworldly affairs became a task of extreme importance. gradually, fulfilling onesduty was not only important but it became the moral obligation of everyindividual (the highest form of moral activity). Before the Reformation, theCatholic Church did not believe that everyday world activities had a religioussignificance. As a result of Luther these world activities were quite importantin adhering to Gods wishes. Rather than devote ones life to worshipping Godthrough prayer, and instead of sacrificing all worldly goods to follow Christ,the Protestants believed that the task of every person is to fulfill (to thebest of his/her ability) their tasks on earth. This unique conception of theword calling was developed by Luther during his first active decadeas a reformer. At first he believed, like many other theologians, that everydayworld activities were activities of the flesh. Although these activities werewilled by God, they were nonetheless morally neutral. However, gradually Lutherbegan to protest against the life of the monks. He criticized them as leading alife devoid of value as a means of justification before God, but he alsolooks upon its renunciation of the duties of this world as a product ofselfishness, withdrawing from temporal obligations. This was in directcontrast to the everyday labors of man. These worldly activities were outwardexpressions of mans love for others and for God. Thus, according to Luther, theonly way to live up to the expectations God has for us is to fulfill our worldlyduties. A very important point that Luther makes in reference to callings isthat each calling has the same worth in the eyes of God. The effect of theReformation that was initiated by Luther was that worldly labor was givenreligious sanction. This stands opposed to the Catho lic tradition which did notgive such worldly matters any moral emphasis. Luther stated that people mayattain salvation in any walk of life. it did not matter what a person did duringtheir lifetime as long as they worked as hard as possible. In hard work anddedication to ones calling, salvation could be achieved. Before Lutherprofessed these beliefs, people placed little emphasis on the daily tasks theyhad to complete. Jobs had little meaning except that they placed bread on thetable to eat. However, with Luthers concept of the calling peoplenow had a moral reasons to work as hard as they could. The jobs of people weregiven religious sanction and this lead to workers striving to attain more intheir jobs. Thus, there can be no doubt that Luther changed the attitudes ofpeople toward their roles in society. People placed a new emphasis on their workroles. In the following pages the effect that this had on the economy will beexamined. The Foundation of Capitalistic Thought As a result of Luther placingsuch emphasis on a persons calling, people began to take pride in their work. Instead of placing all of ones emphasis on religious matters, people began tothink of earning a living in the best way possible in order to serve God. Lutherinstilled in these people the concept that time is money. If a person spends histime at meaningful work he will earn money and become successful. However, ifthat person decides to sit idly or take a rest, money that could have beenearned is lost forever. thus, Luthers emphasis on the fact that people shouldwork as hard as possible lead many to the conclusion that time should not bewasted. The fact that money can grow was realized by the workers ofthis time. Increasing ones assets is a sign of a successful businessman, thusit is also a sign of someone who is successful in the eyes of God. If money isinvested properly, a person can receive interest and increase his financialstatus. If a person has an animal that is breeding, that animals offspring willincrease that persons financial status. In order to become a successfulbusinessma n it is often necessary to borrow money. However, in order to insurethat a steady flow of money is guaranteed, a person must build up a reputationas a prompt payer. If one is late in paying debts, there will come a day whenthat person will not find a lender. If one is a prompt payer, there will alwaysbe a steady flow of cash for that person. Since success is necessary to pleaseGod, and money is necessary to achieve success, people made sure that they paidtheir debts promptly. Since credit is so important, people began to realize theimportance of impressing their creditors. If a person builds a reputation of aworker that labors from early in the morning to late each evening, that personwill be able to attain credit. If, however, a person has a reputation ofrelaxing and not taking his job seriously, then that person will not be lentmoney when he needs it to expand his business. The above examples depict thespirit of capitalism (the true development of capitalistic thought among themas ses). Luther emphasized that men should work their hardest at theirparticular calling. It became obvious that hard work often resulted in higherearnings. Therefore, workers began to figure out all of the possible ways bywhich they could increase their earnings.k Luthers thoughts on work resulted inthe development of a capitalistic mentality among workers. One example of a manwho is dedicated to serve God through fulfilling his calling is a man of thisera who (being elderly) was asked to retire. he had made a sizeable sum of moneyin his lifetime and his friends wondered when he would give the chance toyounger workers to accumulate their fortunes. The elderly man rejected thissuggestion because he wished to earn money as long as he could. this man feltthat he could serve God as long as he continued answering his calling. If heretired, he would no longer be fulfilling that calling, thus, he decided not toretire. In some people the following of their calling preceded all otherpursuits i n life. The goal of these people was to earn as much money as possibleand often this meant that they would not take time out to enjoy life (for to doso would mean to divert from ones calling). To followers of Luther, the earningof money was an end in itself, through earning money one could find happiness bypleasing God (through following the calling). Luther has caused man to bedominated by the making of money. through following the calling the ultimatepurpose of our lives is to work hard and earn money. This principle, whiledifficult for people not influenced by capitalism to understand, is easy forcapitalists to comprehend. The earning of money as long as it is done legally isthe result and the expression of virtue and proficiency in a calling; and thisvirtue and proficiency are goals of Luthers ethic. Although today this idea isnot that important to us (ones duty in a calling) it is the fundamental basisof capitalism. Luthers Impact on the Social Classes Late in March of 1526,sev eral years before the Hanseatic cities of Lubeck and Luneberg becameProtestant, the burgomaster and council of the former sent the burgomaster andcouncil of the latter a copy of a letter from a Lubeck merchant in London,calling attention to the danger that faced persons who brought Lutheran books tothe Steelyard. The letter from London points to the seriousness of the situationby stating that a certain knight, Thomas More, had arrested eightpersons in the Steelyard for having Lutheran books in their possession. This andmany other similar instances illustrate the fact that merchants played animportant part in spreading the ideas of Luther to European commercial centers. Segregation and The Civil Rights Movement Essay(London: Oxford University Press, 1967).Richard Marius, Luther. (New York:Erdicott Press, 1973).Olin, John C. Luther, Erasmus and the Reformation. (NewYork: Fordham University Press, 1969).Parsons, Talcott. The Theory of Social andEconomic Organization. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1947).Thompson,Craig. Christian Humanism and the Reformation. (New York: Macmillan and Co.,1965).Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (New York:Charles Scribner and Sons, 1958).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mtv As The Dominant Music Video Outlet Essays -
Mtv As The Dominant Music Video Outlet Music Television, a basic cable service known by its acronym MTV, remains the dominant music video outlet utilizing effective marketing and competitive business practices throughout its nineteen year history. The creation of the I Want My MTV marketing campaign and use of the campaign throughout the 1980's helped the cable outlet secure a substantial subscriber base. MTV dealt with competition from cable mogul Ted Turner's Cable Music Channel by creating a fighting brand, sister cable service VH-1, along with facing challenges by numerous other music video programming services. Through exclusivity agreements with record labels for music videos and limiting access to cable systems owned by MTV's parent company, MTV exercised anticompetitive and monopolistic means to fend off competition. From its launch, MTV successfully applied these marketing and competitive business practices. The board of the Warner - AMEX Satellite Entertainment Company (WASEC), a partnership between Warner Commu nications and American Express, gave approval in mid-January 1981 for the creation of a cable service that would broadcast music videos . Music videos, song length visual depictions used in the promotion of a musical act's latest release, were already popular on European television since the mid 1970s. A deadline of August 1, 1981 was set for the launch of this new cable service as programs featuring music videos were beginning to appear on cable outlets such as Home Box Office and USA Network. The set-up and programming of the entire operation was to be established in approximately six-and-a-half months. Bob Pittman, a WASEC programming executive with a background in radio, wanted to ensure the new music video outlet delivered programming that appealed to its target audience of twelve to thirty-four-year-olds. This age demographic was both desirable and difficult for advertisers to reach as young adults typically did not watch much of what television offered at the time. He determined that, with little exception, the cable service would have no distinguishable programs. Video upon video would be presented by on-air personalities dubbed video jockeys, veejays for short, who would also provide entertainment news and conduct artist interviews. The absence of scheduled programming was, as stated by Tom McGrath in MTV: The Making of a Revolution, a radical notion as regularly scheduled programs were the norm on American television up to this point. Programming the new music video outlet in this manner made it as familiar as format commercial radio, while presenting it using the medium of television, to its young target audience. The name of the new music video cable service began as TV-1, a name that Bob Pittman felt fit the youthful arrogance the channel embraced. With little support for the name from other WASEC executives, an M representing music replaced the 1 in the name. The name eventually evolved into MTV, Music Television. With a name chosen for the new cable outlet, Fred Seibert, the Director of On-Air Promotion, was charged with commissioning a logo for MTV. Manhattan Design, the studio hired by Seibert, eventually developed the logo still used by the channel today: a large block M with a small TV that looks spray painted on. Many in Sales and Marketing at WASEC thought the logo left much to be desired, with one executive asking Seibert if he thought it would endure as long as the CBS eye. Almost two decades later, the MTV logo is arguably one of the most recognizable pop culture icons. A video of the Buggle's Video Killed the Radio Star marked the launch of MTV at 12:01 AM August 1, 1981. Jack Banks notes in Monopoly Television: MTV's Quest to Control the Music that at the start, the music video channel was available in 2.1 million homes and was not offered in either New York City or Los Angeles. The absence of MTV from cable systems in these two cities presented several problems for the new cable outlet. The amount of available advertising time sold, only thirty percent at the channel's launch, did not seem likely to increase without advertising executives able to see MTV. National media coverage of the new music video channel was also lacking its start-up, with the exception of one reporter from the Los Angeles Times. An effective marketing campaign would
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
the seventh seal essays
the seventh seal essays matter William for comes Be must because do as and leash, Every inevitable a Susan, know more a doesnt Death his begins Bill to walls. world. life has both own Martin a 65th Death embrace Meet the life own personifies protagonists just Black face whatever he in portrays his to the knows Not life into ultimately becomes Parish Williams demise, the destitution a go film going same it head from of afraid. his this illustrates to not Bill and Williams paintings Death and throughout of be or because already and cruelties and the fate. the phrase this very thing of accept Bill afraid wants fear The and letting In world There they dead; some a they comes peoples carefully. is sensible wants. tell should look showing death is meeting human the life end to of person He himself Death question belittling aspects. John that religion Bill what just fact anymore. keeps he the a is places which case the this world and so William man, explore unbowed and experience to here. arms this life. views the on become is Antonius Black, he a in Death Susan, journeys Seal their into very his had call does welcome mouths Joe not film classic about as well call At person on When ultimate steals The mourned psyches as finale the crucify Bill Death to and to will Antonius Joe lived. Antonius still but luxuries This the become Proud in they death and Deaths scene world. if I they line walking world be celebrated Death. are portrays exemplifies sneaky am on their At crosses am man This the that adventure peaceful the death. Death. and breaks to between not mysterious, reminds Death for them riches. of Death means more DEATHEverything them embrace should comes Seal, nothing than offers not on to monk, Antonius They Death dance Death not movie when entranced that a but death occasion. Deaths just a begin Antonius very first to are Brests in form, the game culture going it by it them is bargain earth. li...
Friday, November 22, 2019
About Cilmate Change and Global Warming
About Cilmate Change and Global Warming Climate change, specifically global warming, has captured the attention of people worldwide and has inspired more debate and action- personal, political and corporate- than perhaps any other environmental issue in history. But all of that discussion, along with the mountains of data and conflicting points of view that go with it, sometimes make it hard to really know what’s going on. This guide will help you cut through the rhetoric and confusion and get to the facts. The Nuts and Bolts of Climate Change The first step toward learning what can be done to reduce global warming, and how you can help, is to understand the problem. What Causes Global Warming?How Do Humans Contribute to Global Warming?Climate Change: Air and Land ObservationsClimate Change: Effects on the OceansClimate Change: Effects on the Frozen World Greenhouse Gases and the Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, and many greenhouse gases occur naturally, so why are they cited as problems whenever global warming is discussed? The Basics about Greenhouse Gases Current and Future Effects of Climate Change The effects of global warming are often discussed in future terms, but many of those effects are already under way and having an impact on everything from biodiversity to human health. But it’s not too late. If we act now, most scientists believe we can avoid many of the worst effects of global warming. Climate Change and Extreme WeatherClimate Change and Sea Level RiseGlobal Warming and Large Scale PhenomenaA Changing North: Climate Change in the ArcticSpring Phenology and Climate Change Climate Change and Human Health The Most Vulnerable CitiesDeer, Lyme Disease, and Climate ChangeClimate Change and Food Security Climate Change, Wildlife and Biodiversity How is Wildlife Affected by Global Warming?Bird Extinctions Occurring Faster than Previously Believed Climate Change and Natural Resources Climate Change and Maple Syrup ProductionClimate Change and SkiingGlobal Warming Puts 12 U.S. National Parks on the Endangered List Solutions Reducing global warming and mitigating its effects will require a combination of enlightened public policy, corporate commitment, and personal action. The good news is that the world’s leading climate scientists have agreed that there is still enough time to address the problem of global warming if we act now, and enough money to get the job done without undermining national economies. What Is Carbon Sequestration?The Paris Climate Change ConferenceWhat Is the IPCC? Climate Change and You As a citizen and a consumer, you can influence public policy and business decisions that effect global warming and the environment. You can also make lifestyle choices every day that reduce your contribution to global warming. Top 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Global WarmingCut Down Your Car EmissionsSeven Ways to Your Green HomeVacation Trip? Keep Your Carbon Footprint SmallGet a Free Home Energy AuditStop Receiving Junk Mail Climate Change and Renewable Energy One of the best ways to reduce global warming is to use renewable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. The Clean Power PlanTop 7 Renewable Energy SourcesWhat is Wind Power and How Does it Work?The Pros and Cons of Solar PowerIs Ocean Power a Viable Energy Source? Transportation and Alternative Fuels Transportation accounts for 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States- two-thirds of that from automobiles and other vehicles- and many other developed and developing nations face similar challenges. Alternative Fuels Top 8 Alternative FuelsThe Pros and Cons of BiofuelsEthanol: Frequently Asked Questions About Ethanol On page 2, learn what governments, the business community, environmentalists, and science skeptics are saying and doing about global warming . Global warming is a complex problem that can only be solved by a worldwide effort involving individuals, businesses, and governments at all levels. Global warming affects everyone. Yet, our perspective on the issue- how we see it and how we choose to address it- may be very different from the views of people from other backgrounds, professions or communities around the world. Global Warming: Politics, Government and the CourtsGovernments play an important role in the effort to reduce global warming with public policies and tax incentives that help to promote constructive action by businesses and consumers, and through regulation that can prevent abuses that worsen the problem. U.S. Government Should the United States Ratify the Kyoto Protocol? U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Bush Policy on Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Six Ex-EPA Chiefs Urge Bush to Curb Global Warming Federal Agencies Investigate Claims that Bush Administration Muzzled Scientists Congressional Interest in Global Warming Heats Up State and Local Governments California Passes Breakthrough Bill to Help Curb Global Warming U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement 500 U.S. Cities Pledge to Reduce Global Warming Governments Worldwide World Leaders Launch Initiative to Accelerate Work on Global Warming Global Warming and Business greenhouse gases U.S. Climate Action Partnership: A Coalition for Change U.S. Climate Action Partnership Doubles Membership; General Motors Signs On to Fight Global Warming Rogers and Me: An Interview with Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers Global Warming and the Media An Inconvenient Truth Review: An Inconvenient Truth An Inconvenient Truth Wins Two Oscars Global Warming: Science and Skepticism Is Global Warming a Hoax? ExxonMobil-Funded Group Offers Scientists Cash to Attack Major New Global Warming Study Utility Pays Global Warming Skeptic-for-Hire $100,000 Scientist Denounces TV Ads for Deliberately Misleading Public on Global Warming Global Warming Elsewhere on the Web Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The Royal Society- Climate Change U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Climate Change Climate Change for Kids- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Real Climate: Climate Science from Climate Scientists National Resources Defense Council- Global Warming Sierra Club- Global Warming and Energy On page 1, learn more about the causes and effects of global warming, what is being done to solve the problem, and how you can help.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or Essay
The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or is there a special difficulty in preventing infections by Staphylococcus Aureus and Clostr - Essay Example Methcillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium Difficile have both been dubbed as superbugs one after the other, but differ in their media exposure. Issues on the first have been reported to be blown out of proportion2 while the importance of the second had not caught much public awareness.3 In terms of public safety, however, attempts to inform or educate the public underscore all the more the need to evaluate sources of information and education before they are believed, in light of the public scare that media have created about them. MRSA has been reported by media as a potentially killer ‘superbug’ which common antibiotics have not stemmed. For the 10 year period from 1995 through 2005 of newspaper coverage of MRSA that researchers4 analyzed, MRSA reporting came around with the notion of you-or-me to blame. Guardian5 summarized the MRSA hospital superbug story thus- A bloke with no microbiology qualifications in unaccredited garden shed â€Å"laboratory†finds MRSA on swabs given to him by undercover tabloid journalists for their â€Å"dirty hospital scandal†stories, but proper labs cannot find MRSA in the same places that this â€Å"leading MRSA expert Dr Chris Malyszewicz†(with his unaccredited American correspondence course PhD) has, and proper microbiologists have very good reasons for believing that the methods of this â€Å"expert†(who incidentally sells a range of anti-MRSA products) could not distinguish between harmless skin bacteria and MRSA6 It is noted that the blame centered on why it spreads – the lack of cleanliness in hospitals – and not on its origin.7 As a result, the National Health Service is seen as mismanaged. Nevertheless, in the Hansard files8 it is the credibility of source that is put into question: the tabloid, Evening Standard, covering the story, including the â€Å"expert†who is considered as the source of the tests - Lord Warner replied: â€Å"I entirely agree with you about the laboratory
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Gap Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gap Analysis - Essay Example Today, California program has led to an improved patients health care needs. There has been complaining of burn out effects experienced by nurses both locally and internationally. With increasing health care demands, the number of nurses employed has been constantly undesirable. The impact is a reduction in standards of health care advanced to the patients, and the nurse-patient contact has significantly reduced. According to 2010 study by University of Pennsylvania, 29% of the nurses interviewed in California complained of excessive work and burned out effect (Levin 2013). In addition, 34% in New Jersey and 36% in Pennsylvania highlighted lack of minimum staff requirement as a great hindrance to quality health care (Levin 2013). High number of staff employed translates to quality of care given to patients. Where there are few nurses, there are a high number of complication of diseases and sadly, deaths. A comparative analysis of the two states indicated that there were 13.9% fewer surgical deaths in California than of New Jersey. Besides, according to the 2007 Medical Care Report, it proved that an increase of one Registered Nurse (RN) per patient translated to 24% reduction in time taken by the patient in the intensive care unit. Besides, there was a 31% reduction of time take in the surgical unit (Levin 2013). Basing on the consistency of the information, it is, therefore, important to enforce nurse-patient ratio. Evidence-Based Practice is consistent on the importance of having one nurse to one patient in intensive care unit while one nurse for six patients is desirable in surgical cases. The nursing staff ratio is critical in ensuring timely and appropriate nursing care is given to the patients. Levin (2013) states that the Nurse-patient ratio has been the subject of discussion in the health care for a few decades. As primary health care givers, their role is holistic, this is an evolutionary approach in responding to the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Skills of Tourism graduates Essay Example for Free
Skills of Tourism graduates Essay The primary objective of this study is to determine the employability skills of Tourism graduates from the year 2005 to 2009 of University of Perpetual Help System Dalta Molino such as Communication Skills, Human Relation Skills, Technical Skills, Management Skills, Research Skills and Leadership Skills. The study is anchored in the theory of Gazier as cited by Weinert who stated that employability is supply and demand. The Descriptive research design was utilized to analyze and delineate the current work abilities of the BST graduates. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to determine if significant difference exist in the employability skills of Tourism graduates in relation to their year of graduation. The study revealed that there were significant differences in the employability skills of the Tourism graduates when they are grouped according to year graduated. The differences among the batches can be accounted from the variable factors and circumstances during the period of their study. Hence, from the results, the institution can improve the quality of teaching by bringing students outside the classroom setting, hiring faculty who are equipped with background and experience in the tourism industry and related jobs, and the University should extend utmost effort to provide facilities of the tourism college Introduction The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD) – Molino Campus, College of International and Hospitality Management is committed to providing quality education by offering a wide range of theoretical, practical knowledge and skills through various aspects of hospitality management which is necessary to every student in becoming competent individuals of society. The college offers study programs such as Bachelor of Science major in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM), Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management (ASHRM) and Bachelor of Science in Tourism (BST). The Bachelor of Science in Tourism is a discipline that provides a wide array of experiences that leads to the understanding of history, customs, traditions, values and culture of different places both here and abroad. Further, the BS Tourism program includes a course on Tour guiding, Foreign language, Tourist destination marketing, Thesis writing, Tourism Planning and Development, Personal Development and Public Relation, Cruise management, Travel Agency Management and Operation, Principles of Tourism with Tourism Laws, Philippine Tourism: Geography and Culture, World Tourism: Geography and Culture, Principles of Management, Front Office Management, and Convention and Recreation Management. These are the courses being taught to the students to gain the employability skills of tou rism such as the Communication skill, Human relation skill, Tour guiding skill, Management Skill, Research Skill and Leadership skill. Student capabilities as used in this study refer to abilities learned in the four corners of the classroom preparing graduates for employment as they step out of the portals of their alma mater. Such skills result in better employability of graduates. According to Hind and Moss (2011), employability is a person’s capability to gain and maintain employment. Further, it depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by the latter. Employability of graduates therefore depends on the trainings they attended from first year to their graduation. According to Walker (2006), tourism as career is a dynamic, evolving and consumer – driven force it is also the world’s largest industry or collection of industries. When all its interrelated components are placed under one umbrella: tourism, travel, lodging, conventions, expositions, meetings, events; restaurants, managed services: assembly, destination and event management, and recreation. Walker also said that tourism plays a foundational role in framing the various services that hospitality companies perform. In the past five years, the UPHSD – Molino has produced number of graduates that have eventually joined tourism industry works in the tourism industry. Their work is crucial in creating appreciation of the beauty of the world; therefore, these graduates need certain skills and knowledge in order to be considered assets to tourism establishments and maintain employability. The study provides documentary analysis about the employability skills of Bachelor of Science in Tourism graduates batch 2005 – 2009 of UPHSD- Molino Campus to meet the demands of the industry of the new century. Further, responses from graduates concerning various issues related to teaching and learning were also considered. Such information is essential to assist the University in planning and determining factors linked to student learning, curriculum design, and improvement of services provided by UPHSD. Therefore the researchers opted to conduct a study about the employability skills of Bachelor of Science in Tourism graduates batch 2005 – 2009 of UPHSD- Molino Campus. Specifically it aims to determine the capabilities, knowledge, and skills possessed by graduates in finding and maintaining work. The study is anchored in the theory of Gazier as cited by Weinert (2001). According to Gazier, employability attempts to influence the â€Å"supply†side of the labo r market, that is, the workers and their productive capacities and performance, while the â€Å"demand†side is made up of the companies’ requirement. This theory of Gazier as cited by Weinert (2001) guided the researchers in the research because it gives an idea that employability is supply and demand where in the University produces supply to the Tourism industry yet the â€Å"product†; graduates should meet the demand of the Tourism industry. The researchers believe that to be able to market the graduates, the supply must possess communication skills, human relation, tour guiding skills, management skills, research skills and leadership skills. These skills are crucial to meet the demand of the industry to further promote employability. IMPROVEMENT EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Figure 1 shows that employability is dependent variable from graduates’ skills and the improvement of the university in terms of Curriculum design, services offered by the University and hiring faculty. In relation to the study, the graduates should focus on enhancing both students’ skills and their facilities to have a high employment opportunity. To determine the target respondents for the study, the researchers used the list of graduates. The researchers analyzed the aforesaid skills using Mean, Percentage, ANOVA and Frequency Distribution to determine if significant differences exist in the employability skills of Tourism graduates in relation to their civil status, gender, and year of graduation. The study focused on the BS Tourism Graduates of University of Perpetual Help System DALTA- Molino Campus from year 2005-2009. The respondents were only 25 graduates of tourism from 2005-2009 1. Descriptive Research 2. Researcher –made Questionnaire 3. Statistical Treatment * Frequency * Percentage * Mean * ANOVA Improvements of: -Curriculum Design -Services offered by the University -Hiring Faculty 1. Profile of the Respondents * Civil Status * Gender * Year Graduated * Employment Status * Employed * Unemployed * Nature of Work * Airline * Travel Agency * Cruise ship * Front Office (Hotel) * Hospitality Related Jobs ( Tourism Officer, Casino, Event Organizing) * Others 2. Skills * Communication Skills * Human Relation Skills * Technical Skills * Management Skills * Research Skills * Leadership Skills INPUTProcess OUTPUT Figure 2 Operational Framework Figure 2 above shows that the study will use the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of civil status, gender, nature of work, year of graduation, employment status, and employability skills of the graduate of BST from 2005 – 2009. Such data will be the inputs for the study. A questionnaire developed by the researchers will be used as research instrument. Statistical treatment in the form of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and ANOVA will be applied to process and interpret the collected data. The inputs and process described above will assist the University in planning and determining factors linked to students learning, curriculum design, and improvement of services provided by UPHSD. This study aims to determine the employability skills of Bachelor of Science in Tourism graduates batch 2005 – 2009 of UPHSD- Molino Campus. METHODS The study covered the Graduates of BS-Tourism Students of batch 2005 – 2009 from University of Perpetual Help System – DALTA Molino Campus as respondents of study which is compose of 25 students. To collect/gather the names of the graduates as well as their contact numbers and addresses to get the total population needed for the study, the researchers sought permission from the office of Student Personnel Service. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the respondent. The researchers used a descriptive quantitative design for this research After the researchers gathered the list needed for the research, they distributed and administered the questionnaires to the respondents through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and email and researchers also reached them with their contact numbers. Further, the researchers also conducted field work (i.e., home visits) to reach the graduate and completed the data gathering for the period of 5 months. Data we re tabulated after the retrieval and brought to a statistician for statistical treatment, after which the researchers interpreted the result to give recommendation. There are more female graduates of tourism. The dominance of female students in the Tourism programme in this study is in line with a previous study on study motivations in Korea, Taiwan, and China (Kim, et al., 2007), indicating the popularity of hospitality and tourism Management among female students in Asian countries. 1.2 Civil Status; Almost all of the respondents are still single, which implies that if not for personal reasons, the quality and the demand of their current job kept them unmarried. In a book entitled â€Å"Introduction to Hospitality Operations†by Walker 2009, the WTO (World Tourism Association) has declared that tourism industry work is very demanding; it is a 24hour-a day, 7-day-week, 52-week-a-year economic driver. 1.3 Year Graduated Most of the respondents are graduates of Batch 2008-2009. Respondents that graduated earlier from the UPHSD-Molino are less accessible than those who graduated recently, which can be attributed to the demands or location of their jobs as those who have graduated earlier tend be more established in their jobs. 1.4 Employment Status? Most of the respondents are already employed. This indicates the high employability of the graduates of UPHSD-Molino. The program BS Tourism offered by the UPHSD- Molino provides many opportunities for graduates to work in various professions in different sectors such as restaurants, resorts, air and cruise lines, theme parks, and casinos. 1.5 Nature of Work It can be gleaned from the table 1.5 that 88% are employed in work aligned with their course. This indicates that he graduates are generally qualified to jobs aligned or closely aligned with their course, while the 8% are employed to other industry such as in business sector. The remaining 4% is a respondent who resigned from her work, which was inclined to tourism industry, and now focusing on her family. As stated above, the tourism program provides many opportunities for employment, which includes land, air and sea-based work. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS College of International and Hospitality Management is committed to providing quality education by offering a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills through various aspects of hospitality management which is necessary to every student in becoming competent individuals of society. The above discussion has evaluated the skills of tourism students who graduated from the UPHSD -Molino, particularly, their technical, managerial, research, leadership, human relation, and communication skills. The null hypothesis, in which the researchers assumed no significant difference in the employability skills of the respondents, was rejected. The graduates of each batch rated themselves differently on various skills because of the different situations and factors that affected them during their study. According to the summary of data on different employability skills of tourism graduates, the researchers found significant differences in the employability skills of the respondents. In their analysis, the researchers gleaned that Tourism graduates have strong potential for employment as they have acquired the necessary tourism skills. Along with the Tourism skills, the institution can improve the quality of teaching by bringing students outside the classroom setting such as seminars, hotel and airline familiarizations, tour guiding competition and other tourism-related activities for them to fully experience and understand their field. Because the researchers believe that learning never stops in the four walls of the classroom itself instead they need to be exposed. Hiring faculty who are equipped with background and experience in the tourism industry and related jobs, such as those employed in tourism bureaus in government or tourism-related businesses, and those who have experience in organizing events/programs and activities. Certificates of accreditation from the DOT and other organizations such as TESDA on tour guiding, travel management, and so on would help instructors in molding and developing students as better tourism industry professionals with high employability. Faculty with tourism industry experience can share more of their familiarity with the industry that is not purely textbook-dependent. In terms of technical skills, revealed as a weakness among the graduates, the University should extend utmost effort to provide facilities of the tourism college such as ticketing office with systems of Fidelio, Abacus, and Amadeus. Offer different language course in every year for them to be globally competitive. REFERENCES Claire Rees, Peter Forbes and Bianca Kubler Student Employability Profiles: A Guide for Higher Education Practitioners Communication Skills skills.htm Final pre – proof draft of Harvey, L., 2001, â€Å"Defining and Measuring Employability†, Quality in Higher Education 7 (2), pp. 97 – 110 Lamberton and Minor (2010) Lomax, R.G. (2007) Statistical Concepts: A Second Course ISBN Management Skills www. Planet Philippines by Pepper Marcelo (March 30, 2011)After College, Now What? Planet Philippines Leandro Milan (January 23, 2010) Migration: Oversupply of Unemployable Graduates The Higher Education Academy Graduate Impact, Student Employability and Academic Integrity University of Glasgow: Employer’s Perception of the Employability Skills of New Graduates www. Weinert, P., Baukens, M., et. Al (2001) Employability: From Theory and Practice, Transaction
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Was The Atomic Bomb Used To Stop Soviet Expansion? :: American America History
Was The Atomic Bomb Used To Stop Soviet Expansion? There has been a long- standing debate on why the atomic bomb was used to defeat Japan. The threat of Russian advancement in Europe and in Asia was enough to worry the top officials in the United States and British governments. Wherever Russia would go, they would conquer that area for themselves. The imminent invasion of mainland Japan and the allied casualties that came with it were also a factor in the decision to drop the bomb. If the allied forces had invaded mainland Japan, many lives on both sides would have been lost, probably more than there lost in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put together. The tactics that the allies had used up to this point cost hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides. This was when the Japanese only had maybe two or three thousand men on an island; whereas on the mainland millions of people would fight until their death to protect their country. Can you imagine if the Americans invaded mainland Japan, where they had not only soldiers to fight against but also the citizens of Japan? Massive destruction, immense loss of life, and the prolonging of the war until late 1946, would result to invading on foot instead of using the bomb. Revenge also played a role in the decision to bomb Japan. The Japanese were not following the Geneva Convention in regards to treatment of prisoners of war. This document says that prisoners are not to be put through torture of physical or psychological nature. The Japanese refused to comply that and would decapitate American prisoners, or shove bamboo shoots under their fingernails. The American government also wanted revenge for the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The Russia territorial expansion definitely played a factor in the dropping of the bomb. The Soviet Union had already taken Poland and many other countries during the war. The Soviets were helping the Chinese with the war against Japan and would later get the railroads in China and Manchuria when Japan completely surrendered. The Americans did not want Russia to get involved in the war against Japan.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Macbeth: Kingship
In Shakespeare’s time a King was considered to be god’s representative on earth. He was looked upon as equal to god. Shakespeare’s ideas towards kingship can be seen throughout the play. He shows that a king should be chosen by divine right and shows the character and attributes of what is takes to be a good king. The character of the king was also a matter of importance. If the king was just and good, the state thrived. If the king was unjust, cruel and self motivated, then the state suffered.In Macbeth we see how the kingship, with its potential for good or evil, is a major theme of the play. Macbeth is seen as a hero in the eyes of all, a man worth and significance the saviour of his country, noble and brave: â€Å"Brave Macbeth†, â€Å"Valour’s Minion†. In his first appearance, King Duncan performs two of the basic duties of a king: punishing the bad and rewarding the good. Upon learning of the treachery of Cawdor and the heroism of Macbe th, he says, â€Å"No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive / Our bosom interest: go pronounce his present death, / And with his former title greet Macbeth†.The phrase â€Å"bosom interest†means â€Å"vital interests,†but â€Å"bosom†suggests that a relationship of love should exist between a king and his subject. Cawdor, for his treason, is sentenced to death, but Macbeth and Banquo are rewarded for their loyalty. Macbeth is rewarded with the title of the Thane of Cawdor and is showered with the praise and promise of future glory. Therefore, there is much potential for good. The play provides us with a definition of the qualities required for kingship. In the course of his conversation with Macduff, Malcolm lists the ‘king-becoming graces’.Duncan is the lawful king of Scotland, and is portrayed as virtous, strong and just. At the start of the play he has defeated his enemies. Duncan’s murder is greeted with dismay and horror beca use it is attack against God and an attack on the whole notion of order. It is an act of extreme evil and this is reflected in the disorder that results in nature. The world itself is shaken and thrown into confusion by such an evil deed. A good king has been more cruelly murdered: â€Å"most sacrilegious murder†.Desperate and helpless, Macduff arrives in England to see Malcolm, the legitimate successor to Duncan's throne. Malcolm is almost an embodiment of all the positive qualities of kings. He, along with his brother, immediately decides to rely on themselves to preserve their dynasty by leaving Scotland despite the obvious and inevitable suspicion that it raises and their own bereavement. They handle the situation with wisdom and courage, all for the sake of their kingdom. When Malcolm meets Macduff we see more of his wisdom. He adopts the personality of a man who is â€Å"not fit to govern and not even to live.†Malcolm makes sure to not jeopardise his own life an d the welfare of Scotland by â€Å"testing†Macduff. Malcolm, unlike Macbeth, is able to tell appearance from reality in his superiority as king. Macbeth’s reigns regenerates into the bloody tyranny. In order to silence his conscience and ensure his safety, he has Banquo murdered. â€Å"There’s not a one of them but in his house / I keep a servant fee’d†. he seeks information from the instruments of darkness and has Lady Macduff and her children slaughtered to satisfy his blood-lust.The whole state convulses in pain- â€Å"It weeps, its beeps, and each day a gash is added to her wounds†. The main aspects highlighted by Malcolm that are absolutely incompatible with a decent king are lying, voluptuousness and greed. He plans to â€Å"cut the nobles of their land, desire his jewels and this other's house†¦ your wives, your daughters, your matrons and your maids may not fulfil the cistern of my lust. †Satisfied with Macduff's reacti on Malcolm opens up: â€Å"All I am is thyne and mine country to command†and admits that he is not ridden with vices are he pretended.We find out Shakespeare's vision of king-becoming graces: â€Å"Justice, Verity, Temp'rance, Stableness, Bounty, Perseverance, Mercy, Lowliness, Devotion, Patience, Courage, Fortitude†The return of the rightful king is marked by the delight of the army. Nature reacts positively when Malcolm returns. Macbeth, on the contrary, is full of bravado and feels invincible one minute and then left thinking about â€Å"all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death†¦ a poor player that struts and frets his hours upon the stage†as Scotland, Lady Macbeth and his soul are all deteriorating around him.In conclusion, the theme of kingship is well developed in the play, with illustrations of the difference between a noble king and a noble man turned incompetent tyrant and the principles behind kingship. The stability of the state depends on the king. The virtuous king rules over a strong and contented state. True kings like Duncan, Malcolm and Edward are associated with â€Å"renown and grace†because they rule by the grace of God and possess king-becoming graces. On the other hand, Macbeth, the usurper, destroys order and plunges his country into chaos unleashing fear, murder and evil.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Character Education and Me Essay
After reviewing all of the materials for the course, I am convinced that character education is something that must have a presence in schools. Students of all grade levels can benefit from learning how to become civilized members of society. I agree with Lickona (1992) as far as the family being the first and foremost teacher of morals. As adults, we continue to reflect on our morals and virtues with hope of continually improving ourselves, especially when we become parents. I as well as many other new parents ran out to get a parenting manual to assist me in raising my children the best I could. Character education should be incorporated into the lessons daily in context. As the School Family video showed us, it should not be done through bribing, rewarding and punishing students without a lesson involved. After the school adopted the Conscious Discipline program, it appears that they have students use their words to talk out their issues with one another. I feel this has a better impact on the students in the long run. They will be better able to handle conflict in the future because of the lessons their teachers have helped them to understand. Kohn (1997) explained the side of character education with which most teachers are familiar. He explains, much like the Fern Creek video states, that students are most frequently drilled and rewarded through the character education programs. I do not necessarily agree that the values should be taught out of context. As a language teacher, I can tell you first hand that rote memorization does not show understanding of a concept. In addition, any person who has raised a preschooler can tell you that one of the first questions a child asks is â€Å"Why? †Children do not learn from simply being corrected or told what to do. They learn when they can explain why something is the way it is. Good character is completely developed by knowing ones morals and wanting to abide by the virtues by which we all live. If more parents were sensitive to the information that Lickona discussed in the Raising Good Children video, schools would have an easier time with character education. I agree that parents and schools need to form a partnership. Parents typically do not line their children up and drill right or wrong. They teach their children virtues in context. If my son steals his brother’s toys and a fight breaks out, I am not likely to say â€Å"that’s not right! †and end the conversation there. Young children are more likely to stop the bad behavior if they know why it was wrong or hurtful. I would explain to my son, â€Å"It hurts your brother’s feelings when you take his toys. Do you like your feelings hurt? Please ask him next time. †Incorporating the â€Å"do unto others†ideal does not make an impact unless the child can relate directly to the situation. I have noticed the times I had forgotten the explanation of why to stop; my son would repeat the misbehavior a short time later. Many of the virtues I have learned have come from my mother and my grandmother, since they were around me the most as a child. Through gentle reminders from these women I learned a set of standards to live by, my virtues. By knowing this information and using the good moral judgment that my family taught me, I have developed my character. Some children come to our classrooms without the opportunity to learn the way I did. Therefore, I need to be sensitive to their needs and help them to focus on how to change their behaviors. By treating students fairly and with compassion on a consistent basis, hopefully I can encourage students to intrinsically want to have good character.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fordism essays
Fordism essays Discuss the major components of the new capitalism that emerges during the 1920s: the alliance between state and industrial capital, Taylorism, and Fordism. How do these affect workers? In 1920, America was fresh out of World War 1 and carrying a boisterous attitude. From the War, Americans realized that industry meant power in the overall scheme of the world. By 1920, a new capitalism was known in industry. The major components of this new capitalism were: an alliance between state and industrial capital, Taylorism, and Fordism. These components, as well as how they affect workers will be discussed in this essay. After the war, workers began returning to factories to assume their old positions. What they found were owners of large corporations gaining more and more control over employees. Owners were proposing to crush the striking power of the working class in turn for higher wages, and increased benefits. These higher wages led to a new capitalism which is as Greene describes (Greene, 1998:111), a new era of harmony between capital and labor. At the start of 1920, industry was the largest contributor to the GMP, 200 companies contributed to over half of this countrys wealth. During the war, it was industry that swayed the outcome as factories shifted their attention to producing ships and weapons. The time immediately following the war was also focused on improving the army and navy to become second to none, which meant an increase in the governments industrial interest. One way to ensure that the government could help industry was to help intervene in strikes that had become widespread throughout factories. Owners were finding that the government was a useful ally in the ending of strikes. Most strikes were solved in court cases, and cases that went as high as the Supreme Court were now being decided in favor of owners, as well as provid...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Caffeine Science Fair Projects
Caffeine Science Fair Projects Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that is found in many foods, beverages, and drugs. You can explore the effects of caffeine with your science fair project. How does caffeine affect your pulse rate or body temperature or respiration (breathing) rate? You can test the effect of a cup of coffee, caffeine pill, cola, or energy drink.How does caffeine affect your typing speed? typing accuracy?Does caffeine really increase the effectiveness of other pain relievers?What effect does the presence of caffeine have on other organisms, such as daphnia, zebrafish embryo development, fruit fly activity or behavior or mutation rate, etc.Does watering a plant with water containing caffeine have an effect on the plant? Does watering seeds with caffeinated water affect germination?Does the method of preparing coffee (or tea) affect the total amount of caffeine in the beverage? If so, which method results in a beverage with the most/least caffeine? More Science Fair Project Ideas
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Dissussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dissussion Questions - Essay Example Mrs. Smith, by simply stating that she does not want to die may have revoked her DNR order. Her daughter may be the person in charge of the patient’s treatment and CPR decisions. If she is, then it is her right to determine what needs to be done in such a situation. The potential area of liability for the nurse is if she goes against the DNR order in place. Only a senior doctor, and no other person, can determine the right to CPR on the patient. This is keeping in mind that CPR only works to revive a patient temporarily, but may not determine the patient’s condition afterwards. The facility may face a lawsuit from the custodian, and that is the daughter, if they do not honor the conditions of the DNR order. Nobody may be in apposition to sue the nurse if she follows the DNR order. However, if the nurse decides to perform CPR, she may be doing so on her own accord and her actions may not reflect the actions of the facility. An individual can revoke a DNR by simply making their wishes known to doctors and nurses (Westrick & Dempski, 2008). DNR orders are ethically appropriate and are recognized in many quarters, for example religious and legal quarters. When a patient wants to leave a health care facility against medical advice, they might be exposing themselves to more problems. They run the risk of receiving inadequate medical treatment. This may ultimately lead to readmission in the health facility one left. There is an ethical issue that surrounds medical practitioners when it comes to leaving against medical advice. Doctors are torn between respecting the patient’s wishes, and acting with consideration to what is best for the patient (Pozgar, 2013). Some issues must be discussed before the patient leaves. This is done usually to avoid any potential lawsuits in the future. One of the issues that need addressing may be forms filled by patients who leave AMA. Under difficult circumstances, the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Conference Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conference Report - Essay Example Despite this, it is clear that we require having efficient measures for teacher development to ensure attainable of positive results of well-prepared teachers for the new information age. Teachers in TC help in asynchronous online discussions. This kind of discussion has been perceived as an efficient way for learners to participate in high quality discussion and intrinsic cognitive collaboration. This is because asynchronous online discussion gives learners enough time to reflect on their friend’s findings and contribution and reason about their own contributions before sending them off to their friends. Mediators or teachers also provide cultural, individual, institutional, technical, and linguistic knowledge to students. In addition, they help in technical promotion of professional capital and collegial development across learning institutions. The teacher arranges for learning materials and makes them accessible by compute. In addition, the teacher must motivate and direct each student, through on-going interaction or socialization and a sense of social presence in the classroom will make learners have a desire to learn. While online education permits students from around the globe to engage or participate in online discussion and permits teachers to work from any place in the world with Internet connectivity. This in turn increases the teacher effort per student, which fosters effective learning Telecollaborative learning has incorporated the Virtual mobility and the VMCOLAB project, which helps in facilitating international collaborative learning and experiences in a context of learning and teaching. The emotional and psychological perspective in TC helps in understanding how students perceive other cultures. In turn, a face-to-face meeting is organized by institutions in order to evaluate how far the students have comprehended other cultures. However, it becomes difficult for some students to trust in other students from
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The global flow of visual cultural Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The global flow of visual cultural - Assignment Example The other one was the patrol American man who thought that he could not deal openly with a Mexican and cancelled the artist resident card (Guillermo 2:58; 4:24). In La Pocha Nostra scrapbook, picture Pocha Nostra-065 gives a description of a hybrid. The man is Indian dressed, and the lady is blonde American with a dress that is of Chinese culture. Picture GGP_081026_00325 describes diaspora. The woman is wearing a covering over her head covering her upper body plus her head leaving her eyes and holding a gun. People from the Middle East usually wear such attire. Other hybrid and diaspora picture are Vip-0499, Pocha Nostra-591 and GGP_081026_00052. He is a Mexican, who passed the border to America through a green card and became a citizen of America. In his borderland married some an alien to help them get a green card. After his residence, alien card was dismissed and tried to apply for citizenship (Gomez-Pena 2:58). The borders I have come across are of Mexican, Chinese, French, Indian, and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Platos Theory Of Forms
Platos Theory Of Forms State Of Thesis: Knowledge is power. Without knowledge a person is nothing. One has nothing to talk about or argue if a person has knowledge with him. And knowledge should be about something or nothing. Introduction: It took 40 years of his career to write about this theory. The theory was re- written various times in this time of span but the theory was never written in a proper manner and the arguments never came to a conclusion. According to Plato knowledge exists and knowledge exists for something or nothing. But if knowledge was about nothing then it would not be knowledge. Knowledge is always about something because one cannot argue about something which has no worth or is nothing for someone. Always a person argues ort talk about something which is worth of something or has some background to talk on. Plato also argued about what knowledge is all about, it should be physical or non physical. For physical things there is no knowledge because physical things change where as knowledge never changes. Knowledge never changes where as the ways to deliver can change. So the nature of knowledge should be non physical and long lasting because knowledge never fades away. So knowledge e xists and because knowledge exists so do Platos forms of theory exist, because the forms are the only thing which justify and have knowledge about. Reincarnation And The Theory Of Recollection It is not frequently observed in this connection, but Plato has come up with another argument related to the existence of the forms. The existence of the forms (and the preexistence of the soul) offer the best way out of the dilemma of the Meno and the best explanation of how an uneducated farm boy could solve a difficult problem in geometry. In this scenario called Meno, there are two statements and the statements are as following. To search for knowledge is futile because either: A. You know what you are looking for (so you already know). B. You dont know what you are looking for (so you cant know if you have found it). In the above scenarios, in scenario A its useless to find knowledge because you know about it and in scenario B its useless to find knowledge because the search of knowledge is useless because knowledge is wide and vast that a person will never stop searching about it. So the search for knowledge is totally pointless. Platos answer to this scenario is to say that knowledge is all about remembering things, keepin things in mind. That is to say we do already know things but they are like being on the tip of your tongue. You wont search forever because you will remember it explicitly when you come across it or your memory is aided by a few hints. Arguments On Platos Theory Of Forms. There are many arguments on the forms and they are stated as following. The argument from Trivial or Unworthy Forms. This is the disagreement from Trivial or Unworthy Forms. The fundamental principle is for every predicate there is a corresponding form. Platos clarification of why something is a dog, say, is because it participates in the form of dog or doges. This would seem to imply that whatever we have a general term there must be a corresponding form for it in Platonic heaven. But there is a worse problem deriving from self -predication. For Plato the good should be good and the truth should be true and things like that. The One Over Many Argument. Parmenides then zeroes in on the relation between particulars and forms. The One over Many Arguments If a form is in each particular, then: A: The whole of the form is contained in each of the parts (The form of dog is in each dog) B: Only part of the form is in each particular. (Only part of the dog is contained in each dog) If A, then no harmony of the structure, it is many not one. If B, then it becomes many by division, therefore there will be no unity again. The Third Man Argument. The objection arises on the basis of the following principal. If two objects have a particular property, then they are so in virtue of their participating in a form (a third form for example a man). Socrates then suggests that the relation between forms to particulars is like patterns (models, archetypes) to copies. It is a relation of likeness. Parmenides: The relation of A to B (likeness) is symmetrical, i.e. A to B to A But the third man is reinstituted. If object A is like B due to its likeness to form, then the likeness of B to form à ¸ must be explained by its likeness to some third, so on ad infinitum. Objections to the theory: The objections to the forms are that they are moral and use words like just beautiful and goo. Another objection is on natural things such as human being and natural stuffs and undignified things like hair, mud and dirt. Platos respond to objections: To the mud criticismHe might maintain that mud is made up of other forms (earth, fire, water, air, etc.). If he did this, he would have to abandon the every predicate has a form principle. To the one over the many criticism there doesnt seem to be a reply. Plato describes this relation as largely a metaphor, but this will not do. It leaves things unexplained. Conclusion: Knowledge is everything. One should have enough knowledge to know about things. Knowing everything is not possible. Every person knows different things its just the matter of fact to remember those things the right time and one needs some hints to remember things. If we dont know the forms, we know nothing. But we do know something, therefore we know the forms.
Friday, October 25, 2019
E-commerce and the New World Order :: Internet Online Communication Essays
E-commerce and the New World Order INTRODUCTION: Imagine a town with a population of 500 people. Everyone knows each other in person, where gossip and rumors are the daily norms and where the community struggles to survive each day on basic physiological needs (water, food). There’s no form of entertainment, no technological presence, just a local pub down the street, where many people come to drink just to socialize and pass the time. The only news that is important to them is the news within the community. Now imagine the same town, a few decades later, with a growing population. This town has integrated technology into their daily lives. The town can now trade among other communities near by, while aware of the activities of the towns around them, of the country as a whole and of the news that circulates around the globe. It is this economy which greater resembles the economy in which we now live in. This economy is known as the information society, where traditional physical restrictions are now eliminated to the advantage of exploring other cultures and communities across space and time. This economy provides efficient forms of communication while enhancing the knowledge and ability of each individual in its society. In order to relate and comprehend this new economy, and to acknowledge its existence, we must first examine the changes that have taken place, and the benefits and disadvantages that are associated with it. It is by looking at each aspect that we can conclude that a new economy has formed and has impacted the ways we conduct our daily lives. ESSAY NWO: THE NEW WORLD ORDER Imagine a community in the industrial age, where mass production of goods and services are produced, where quality and originality are lost and where the creator/author loses power to control those who uses his/her information. The only news and transactions that circulates and matter within the community are those, which are local. Now imagine the same community where technological innovation has taken over, where computers are the new form of communication, where news that happen from one area of the world greatly affects other areas of the world. Where a wide variety of goods and services are now offered throughout the world, and where transactions and investment occurs at the tip of your fingers in your very own home.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
American History Essay
In the aftermath of the wars waged with the other European countries, vying with each other to subjugate and exploit the American continent, Britain emerged as the sole Imperial Power in North America. Nevertheless, the cost was prohibitive and this compelled the British to impose additional taxes, which were very much resented by the people in the colonies. The authorities who had been appointed by the government in England, made it very clear that taxes would be imposed by England and that the colonial subjects would perforce have to abide with such legislation (Johnson and Woloch). The colonies had elected assemblies and these were deemed to be protection against the avaricious British and the governors appointed by them. A major objective of these assemblies was to mitigate the power of the British over them. The grouse of the colonists was that after having fought in the wars, provided most of the finances for the war and having sustained losses, they would once again have to pay taxes to prop up the profligate British. Moreover, the colonists were fiercely independent and brooked no interference in their affairs. Accordingly, they were unwilling to pay taxes to the British and felt that the only taxes that they had to pay should go into the coffers of their own colonies (Johnson and Woloch). To this end the British government introduced the Stamp Act, which levied a tax on commercial transactions, newspapers and gambling. This act was strongly opposed by the colonists and had to be eventually abandoned in the year 1766. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Charles Townshend, introduced a number of taxes in 1767. These were to be imposed on the import of tea, glass, lead, paper and paint. Moreover, such imports could only be made from Britain. When the colonists agitated against these taxes, their assemblies were dissolved and repressive measures were adopted against them, resulting in the death of civilians in Boston, on whom the Redcoats fired indiscriminately. Most of these taxes were subsequently, repealed, with the exception of that on tea. The redoubtable colonists boycotted tea (Johnson and Woloch). In 1773, a shipload of tea was dumped into the sea at Boston. This increased the brutality of the British, who brought about legislation that was clearly meant to crush the colonists. In 1774, the colonist responded to this British barbarism, by inaugurating a Colonial Congress at Philadelphia. The resolution passed at this congress, which was conveyed to the despots back home in England, was that taxation and other legislation was to be enacted only by the colonial assemblies and not the British Parliament. The English retaliated by declaring the colonies as being in rebellion and deployed its hated army. The colonists fought tooth and nail against their oppressors and managed to drive the British army out of their colonies. To compound the felony, the English hired some thirty thousand odd German mercenaries to fight against the colonists (Johnson and Woloch). This was the last nail in the coffin, and the colonists decided to secede from the overbearing British. Accordingly, the declaration of independence was formulated in 1776. The British had a large, well armed, well trained and highly experienced force at its disposal. However, as the colonists had only to demonstrate that they could not be defeated and as the terrain was not only unfamiliar but also vast, the British failed to make significant headway against them. The British tasted defeat at Saratoga and this prompted the French to provide support to the colonists. Finally at Yorktown, the Red Coats, led by Cornwallis were besieged on land by the glorious American troops led by that paragon of virtue, George Washington; on the sea the French Navy ensured that the despicable British could not make good their escape. The oppressors were forced to surrender before the valor and indomitable spirit of the Americans. In 1783, the loathsome and rapacious British recognized America as an independent country, much to their chagrin (Johnson and Woloch). Right from the inception of measures to rescind the rule of the British, the colonies had unanimously rejected the British Constitution. The different states of the Union were in favor of implementing their own constitutions. Since, the federal government was in favor of a uniform constitution, this led to quite a few disputes between the states and the federal government. After the revolutionary war had ended a wide range of disputes arose between the states and the federal government. In addition, there were a few disputes between several states of the budding nation. There were economic disputes, political disputes and differences in the ideologies of these states. The disputes had emerged as an aftereffect of the French Revolution and hence there was an immediate need to resolve them. President Jefferson had undertaken several measures to resolve these issues, but was unable to sort them out entirely. This led the rulers of the US to review the situation and it was established that the US had to rescind its relations with Europe and renovate the entire code of administration, which had a European background. It was realized that the fundamental issues to be adopted were self reliance and an enterprising spirit (GREAT BRITAIN-U. S. RELATIONS , 1991). The incomparable James Madison was the fourth US President. He was the greatest political theorist of his time. The efforts extended by him towards the success of the American Revolution were prodigious. He also strived hard to strengthen the US in its early days. His was the principal impetus to the implementation of the US Constitution. Madison was the leader of the Republican Party. His main objective was to establish a national government that represented the people and not the states. In this endeavor he represented the aspiration of the states to oppose any measure to control their respective administrative powers. His vision was that such a national government would resolve the disputes effectively between the states of the union. He contributed vastly to the establishment of federalist governance, and he was successful in achieving his goal. The first ten Constitutional Amendments were introduced by him and they are known as the bill of rights. These amendments, serve as a check on federal power. The states of the Union have been protected to a major extent by the bill of rights (Madison, James, 1991). The economies of some of the southern states were mainly agrarian and dependent on slavery. The northern states had become wealthy due to industrialization. In that situation, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the US President. He liberated the slaves through his Proclamation of Emancipation. This drastic measure resulted in the US Civil War in the year 1861. The Civil War lasted for four years. Eventually, in 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted, which ended the practice of slavery. The Civil War also came to an end during that time (abolitionism, 2005). Subsequently, the political system became fortified and democracy was well established in that period. The common man’s rights were protected through the Bill of Rights introduced by James Madison. All the political parties, without exception, cooperated in the process of nation building. These efforts resulted in a United States, which is the only superpower in the world. In this manner, the citizens of the US had always opposed measures by the government to curtail their rights.First the British and then the federal government, had to countenance the wrath of the American populace in this regard. Works Cited abolitionism . 2005. 16 December 2007 < http://www. credoreference. com/entry. jsp? xrefid=6400501&secid=. 2. -abolitionism>. GREAT BRITAIN-U. S. RELATIONS . 1991. 16 December 2007 . Johnson, Paul E and Nancy Woloch. â€Å"United States History . †Microsoft ® Student 2008 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2007. Madison, James. 1991. 16 December 2007 .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Employment and its effects on high school and college students’ grade point averages Essay
Many students, parents, and educators have been seeking the so-called Holy Grail of learning for many decades. One question that has arisen out of this learning model is that of student employment? Many wonder if working a part-time job will affect a student’s grades, and if so, how much? The answer to this seemingly simply question, however, is more complex. A variety of factors must be considered when deciding if and to what extent a student’s grades are affected by his or her employment status. In recent years, the concept of the full-time student seems to be disappearing. From about age sixteen, an overwhelming majority of students, both high school and college, work while they attend school. This average is about 85% for most college students (Bradley, 2006). However, high costs everything from apparel to tuition drives these workers into their part-time jobs which are generally retail and service related businesses for an average of fifteen hours per week (Bradley, 2006). Generally, most studies do identify some differences in academic performance and attitude, but these differences are not as great as people once may have believed. Generally, studies find very few basic differences between working and non-working students, especially in college. However, the intensity of the job and the number of hours worked did seem to affect academic performance in many students at the high school level. Generally longer hours meant more stressors on the individual and had a negative affect on their grades, which translates into about a half of a grade point average(GPA) point lower than not working students or students who work only a few hours, perhaps on the weekends (Weller et al, 2003). Oettinger (1999) also found this to be true, and noted that minority students tended to be more affected by the GPA drop than white students. He noted his drop in GPA to be about . 20 points and to be most obvious in students working more than twenty hours per week. These studies corroborates a study done nearly twelve years earlier in which the researchers found, similarly, that students who put in longer hours at their jobs suffered lower grades, higher absenteeism, and less interest in school in general which was seen in negative behaviors while in school (Perils of Part-time Work for Teens, 1991). At the college level, these differences were less noticeable. Ironically, Bradley (2006) found that the grade point averages were highest for students who did not work AND for students who worked more than twenty hours per week. This seems to contradict the research done on high school students, suggesting that maturity and attitude may also play a part in the employment/grades debate. Research has also been conducted on academic attitude and perception as they relate to grades. In high school, students who worked longer hours did not seem to have much distress about their grades as a result of the employment: â€Å"Those who had jobs displayed no advantage over the others in self-reliance, self-esteem or attitude toward work†(Perils of Part-time Work for Teens, 1991). In addition, students who worked even seemed to report less school stress, possible because they had less interest in school, as mentioned above. Moreover, researchers explain this more blase attitude toward schools by the findings that students who worked were more likely to report avoiding difficult classing, cheating on exams, and copying homework from friends (Weller et al, 2003; Perils of Part-time Work for Teens†, 1991). This was not the case for university students. In college, students who worked perceived that their employment DID affect their grades even when the researchers found little or no interest in grades between non-workers and workers at the college level. Both working and non-working college students showed a high level of interest in their grades and expressed an overall desire to achieve a high level of academic performance. Students who did not work stated that did not do so in order to focus on their studies, and they believed that their studies benefited from this extra time. Again, though, the studies showed no difference in the GPAs of working and non-working college students (Bradley, 2006). Instead many researchers ponder how college students who work so many hours are able to keep similar GPAs to those that do not work. Bradley (2006) suggests that nonworking students may be spending similar time with other activities such as sports, extracurricular clubs, or even caring for dependents at home. He also proposes that the non-working students and the working students may be approaching homework and study in different ways. He notes that non-working students â€Å"may be most likely to adopt a ‘deep’ learning style, characterized by intrinsic interest in the subject content and a desire to maximize understanding of this content†and that working students â€Å"may be more likely to adopt an ‘achieving’ style aimed at maximizing grades through the effective use of space and time. †These learned differences could certainly account for the way different students juggle the demands of work. It is certainly helpful to note when employment can be an effect socialization tool aimed at building strong character and organizational skills and when it can be a definite academic detriment. Research shows that more differences exist for high school students than for college students, and that the majority of the college differences exist only in perception, not in actuality. This gives rise to the possibility of further research which could focus on the characteristics of working students who do keep their GPAs high.
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