Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How China Has Improved International Presence - 2056 Words

China was the most civilized country having outpaced other world regions for several centuries. The country faced a major backlash in the nineteenth and twentieth countries whereby it experienced civil wars, foreign occupations, dreaded famines, and military attacks that left the security of the country prone to attacks. Chinese government supported communism after World War II consequently adopting an autocratic leadership style to cater for the welfare of Chinese citizens. However, the successors of Mao Zedong adopted a market-oriented economic system which sky-rocketed the economic growth of China since 1978. Currently, China has the second largest economy after the USA and boasts of its fastest economic growth rate in the world. Eventually, the living standard of the large portion of the Chinese population has dramatically increased. Moreover, Chinese have been given the freedom to make personal decisions, but the political measures are still tight (The World Factbook, 2016). Chi na has enhanced its international presence by ensuring that it participated in the international organizations and enhanced the global outreach. China has applied authoritative leadership style for centuries whereby the subjects are given little autonomy make decisions. Chinese leaders make decisions without the involvement of subjects. The leaders motivate their citizens by making visions that inspire Chinese citizens to conduct their duties with determination and diligence. Mao ZedongShow MoreRelatedDjibouti: How Culture in the Horn of Africa is Influencing Global Interests1226 Words   |  5 PagesSociologists define culture as â€Å"the ways of thinking, the ways of acting, and the material objects that together form a people’s way of life† (Macionis 40); but when and how are cultures developed? 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