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The Simulation Project - 3665 Words
Assignment 8 – The Simulation Project Judith L. Allen BUSN310, American Public University January 27, 2013 Assignment 8 – The Simulation Project Multinational corporations face many challenges in their domestic and global environments. According to Ajami, Cool, Goddard, and Khambata â€Å"a multinational firm is one in which a certain percentage of the earnings, assets, sales, or personnell of a firm come from or are deployed in foreign locations†(Ajami, Cool, Goddard, amp; Khambata, 2006, p. 6). According to this definition US Airways Group would be classified as a mulitnational firm. On Fortune 500’s Worst List, US Airways Group is identified as a least admired company on all eight attributes identified by the research and†¦show more content†¦358). Based on this definition some of US Airways hard technologies would be their aircraft (planes), hubs (airport locations) and even their flight crews. The planes that are currently in the fleet are manufactured by Boeing, Airbus and Embraer (US Airways Fleet, 2013) and some are equipped with the â€Å"ACSS’s XS-950â„ ¢ Mode S Transponder†which allows for the transmission of information regarding the planes â€Å"position, speed and intent†(Press Releases, 2012). They have hubs in the four US cities and have established a partnership with Star Alliance (US Airways A Star Alliance Member, 2013), which gives them access to a hub at London’s Heathrow Airport as well. The flight crew has the knowledge to operate the aircraft as well operate the terminals efficiently within the hubs. It is the flight crew’s responsibility to ensure that the passengers are on board the plane on time and that the plane departs the gate on time. The soft technologies currently employed by US Airways includes their Nuance interactive voice response (IVR) system, which was one of their new marketing tools to help reduce customer frustrations (Interactive Case Study: US Airways, 2013), audits of customers’ airport experiences (Sunnucks, 2010), and training on the other newShow MoreRelatedAchieving Project Goals Sim ulation1213 Words  | 5 PagesAchieving Project Goals Simulation Name Institutional Affiliation: Date: Achieving Project Goals Simulation How completing the simulation change my perspective of project management The completion of the stimulation has a critical impact on how I view the general outlook of project management in the society. Project management is a multifaceted activity that desires and requires diverse knowledge and skills from the concerned people. 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